We’re good two months away from the world’s largest consumer electronics show but the first set of rumors have cropped up related to Samsung.
The first piece of info comes from Channel News that claims Samsung will undergo a major brand transformation with a new logo and a look. Samsung has apparently roped in Scott Bedbury who has worked previously with Nike and Starbucks.
Even the advertising will change with products linked to lifestyle activities similar to what Nike does
On the technology front, Smart House reports Samsung will reveal a new “stunning” OLED TV range and more importantly, a Smart TV running the bada OS. The choice of the OS, if true, is interesting because bada currently supports smartphones.
The OS will “allows Samsung to deliver new applications, content streaming and their own advertising platform.”
Thanks, Stuart!
Samsung is a giant in the TV business and they certainly have the platform to introduce their own operating system like Google. Perhaps this will help revolutionize the cross platform compatibility we have on Windows 8 now, but only a competitor with Microsoft being Samsung. Could we see tablets coming out next? I’m anxious to get to CES this year though since I missed it last year because I had to help prepare the launch of the DISH Hopper and Joey Whole-Home HD DVR. It was a pretty big deal for us last year and paved the way for more consumer choice when they watch TV since it can skip commercials while you watch TV. The Auto Hop is a coveted item in our home because when we watch the PrimeTime Anytime programs that record from the four major networks each night, we save enough time by watching commercial free that we can watch another show that night. We all love to spend time together watching TV so that just means more quality time for us.