Samsung’s first bada phone may not be launched this month as expected but the launch is looking closer than ever. The Wave II’s (SHW-M210S) official pictures have surfaced that suggests Samsung will try to woo South Korean consumers with three different colors – Ebony Grey, Silver and Pink.
Hardware specs however, remain similar to the international version except the inclusion of T-DMB. Other than that, you have the same 1GHz CPU, 3.7-inch Super Clear LCD, 3G support, Wi-Fi 802.11b/g/n, Bluetooth, 5MP camera, HD video recording and playback, GPS and microSD card slot.
Thanks, Jeonn!
Din says
I love that phone… is a shame its 3G doesn´t work in US.
arundhati says
its low price..wt v want more.?
its c00ol