US-based carrier, AT&T has announced to expand its Windows Phone lineup with the addition of two new Samsung phones. The Samsung Focus S and Focus Flash are expected to hit the carrier in Q4 of this year that will run Microsoft’s latest Windows Phone 7.5 aka Mango OS.
Focus S will be one of the slimmest offerings that measures just 8.55mm. Additionally, the phone comes with a fast 1.4GHz processor, 4.3-inch Super AMOLED Plus display, 4G support, Wi-Fi, 8MP rear-facing camera and 1.3MP front-facing camera.
Focus Flash on the other hand, will be a mid-range phone that will come with a 1.4GHz CPU, 3.7-inch Super AMOLED display, 5MP main camera and front-facing camera.
PS: The phone showed couple of months back could very well be the slim Focus S.
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