Samsung and Apple seem to be locking horns again with the choice of displays in their phones. Samsung is integrating Super AMOLED screens in its high-end phones whereas Apple’s recently unveiled iPhone 4 carries the new Retina Display.
Steve Jobs at the iPhone 4 announcement claimed “Retina display is going to set the standard for displays for the next several years. We don’t think anybody’s going to come close.”
However, Samsung Mobile Display spokesperson says the difference is small.
The visibility difference is only 3 to 5 percent. But raising resolution to that level increases battery consumption by 30 percent.
Retina Display is an IPS-based LCD that boasts a high resolution of 960×640 and has a viewing angle of 80 percent.
On the other hand, AMOLED displays have the highest resolution to up to 800×480, have a free viewing angle and require no backlight since it emits light itself when electricity is applied.
Personally, I think AMOLED display technology is superior but when both the companies are touting their choice of displays, it can only be decided when someone brings both the displays under one roof and subjects to the same tests. Hopefully, we’ll see the tests soon.
I love AMOLED displays. The only problem I see is the drastic difference in bright sunlight. Here AMOLED really sucks.
Apple doesn’t have a chance. They are losing the battle real fast. Once the hype of the 4G Iphone dies down android will continue to expand at the speed of life like they have been doing so far. By next year the whole mobile world will be swarming with superior android phones. I can garentee that!
Oh And P.S. Samsung Rocks! They need to get on top of HTC already! Im rootin for ya