Samsung has launched the P3 PMP in India. The PMP has a wide 3-inch touchscreen, EmoTure touch interface with true haptic feedback, DNSe 3.0 and wide array of multimedia format support. The player also has a loudspeaker, mic and Bluetooth to connect wirelessly to a phone and receive calls on it. P3 will come […]
Samsung outs YP-Q2 PMP
Samsung has quietly introduced a new PMP in the American market. The YP-Q2 looks to be just an aesthetic upgrade over Q1. The media player will come in 8GB or 16GB storage options, a 2.4-inch display, touch sensitive navigation buttons, FM Radio and wide array of audio and video format support. It has an […]
Samsung announces YP-Q1 La Fleur Edition
Sammy’s Yepp Q1 PMP has got a flowery makeover with the La Fleur Edition. There will be no change in the internal specs but in addition to the exterior flowery design, the UI will also get a facelift to match the coolness of La Fleur. PMP will first launch in Korea and supposedly later […]
YP-P3 offers True Haptic Feedback
YP-P3 PMP from Samsung could be easily termed as an iPod Touch’s competitor, but in reality it isn’t. Yes, it does offer a 3-inch wide touchscreen display but there’s a lot more to Sammy’s offering. The integrated EmoTure touch interface ensures every command gesture, from swiping a finger across the screen, to switching audio […]
Samsung YP-E3Q for Hong Kong
Samsung Electronics has launched a new slim music player in the Hong Kong market. The YP-E3Q does everything one would expect from a player to do. It comes in 2GB of space with an OLED screen, FM Radio, DNSe, voice recording and MP3/WMA/ASF/OGG playback. Battery life lasts around 11 hours and will be available […]