Samsung has made three sub-10k phones – Galaxy Star 2, Galaxy Star Advance and Galaxy Ace NXT official for the Indian market. The new devices will take on the competition by offering a “premium leather finish back”, support for 12 Indian languages and free 200MB data from Vodafone for the first six months. The Galaxy […]
Galaxy Mega saved a man from a bullet
Galaxy Mega 6.3 is unique in its own right and it proved to be a life saving device, quite literally, for one Taiwanese man. An altercation about a wallet on the street led the owner of the wallet draw a gun and shoot the Galaxy Mega 6.3 owner only to find the device taking the […]
Galaxy Avant now available on T-Mobile
We first got a glimpse of Galaxy Avant last month and T-Mobile has finally announced the device for the American consumers. The phone is now available on T-Mobile’s website or regular store for $216 or $0 down and only $9 a month for 24 months. The Galaxy Avant sports a faux leather finish, runs Android […]
Leaked images reveal Galaxy Alpha (SM-G850)
The last we heard about Galaxy Alpha was from a report originating from Korea claiming it to be a device completely different from the Galaxy S and Galaxy Note series. Now new images have surfaced that shows Galaxy Alpha (right) and its metallic body. Admittedly, there’s not much of a difference in the images but […]
Samsung highlights Galaxy S5’s Ultra Power Saving Mode in new ad
Ultra Power Saving Mode is one of our favourite features in the Galaxy S5 and Samsung just published a new ad that highlights this. The video shows two men setting out for a Coast to Coast ride with just a single charge and Ultra Power Saving Mode activated on the Galaxy S5. Ultra Power Saving […]