As expected, after releasing the Android 4.4 KitKat for Galaxy Note II users in France, Indian customers can also get their hands on the latest Android update. The feature set remains the same, we’ve seen on rest of the Samsung devices running Android KitKat like full screen music album art on the lock screen, camera […]
Sprint Galaxy S III gets Android 4.4 KitKat update
Sprint today updated its support page for Galaxy S III, confirming the roll out of the Android 4.4 KitKat update. Sprint has started rolling out the L710VPUCND8 update over-the-air from today and should reach all Galaxy S III users in the coming days. As for the features, expect the same set of KitKat goodness with […]
Samsung unveils Galaxy K zoom with 20.7MP camera, 10x optical zoom
As expected, Samsung officially announced the Galaxy K zoom, a phone that majorly concentrates on its camera prowess. Interestingly, Samsung isn’t calling the device Galaxy S5 zoom like they did with its predecessor but has spawned a new line, which we feel will get more attention than previously. Samsung has managed to make the phone […]
No camera issues reported on Indian Galaxy S5 units
Given how camera module on some units of Galaxy S5 are failing, Samsung India has issued a statement saying there have been no reported incidents of camera failure. The choice of words is interesting because Samsung’s statement does not explicitly say if the Indian units are free from the bug. We have a very strong […]
Galaxy Note II gets Android 4.4 KitKat in France
Here’s some good news for Galaxy Note II users. Samsung has started seeding the Android 4.4 KitKat update to Galaxy Note II users residing in France. The N7100XXUFND3 is being rolled out on Kies and over-the-air as we speak and brings in KitKat goodness like an improved performance and battery life, camera shortcut on the […]