Following a positive feedback on Facebook, Samsung has confirmed to launch the Blush Pink version of the Galaxy Note 3 in Germany. The device will be available in December carrying the same set of features but painted in the colour that will appeal more to women along with a matching S Pen. The 32GB Blush […]
Sprint starts rolling out Android 4.3 for Galaxy Note II
It seems Sprint is the first American carrier to release the Android 4.3 update for Galaxy Note II smartphone. Sprint has updated the support page that confirms PAMK4 as the latest software update that will bump the software version to Android 4.3. Additionally, it will bring Galaxy Gear support, KNOX support and HD Voice enhancement. […]
Samsung US offers $50 Play Store credit to Galaxy Note 3 owners
Samsung is known to offer credits and deals regularly to US-based Galaxy device owners and as part of its promotion; Samsung is now offering $50 Play Store credit to Galaxy Note 3 owners. The only requirement is that the device needs to be US-based since to get the credit, user needs to put in the […]
Samsung starts rolling out Android 4.3 for Galaxy Note II (N7100) in India
There have been few leaks in the past but Samsung has now officially released the Android 4.3 update for Galaxy Note II users in India. The update is now available via Kies and OTA and sports a newer build than the one that was reportedly upgraded by the service center. The MK4 update is tad […]
New Android 4.3 build leaked for Galaxy Note II
The official rollout of the Android 4.3 for the Galaxy Note II is expected to begin soon but if you can’t wait, SamMobile has leaked a test firmware N7100XXUEMK4 for you to flash. Good thing about this build is that despite being a test firmware, it is one of the “final” builds, which means the […]