At an event today, Samsung India announced the Galaxy Mega 5.8. The device is inspired from the Galaxy S4 design and is targeted at consumers who want a larger-sized display at a lower price than Samsung’s flagship devices. The Galaxy Mega 5.8 features dual-SIM support and comes with a 5.8-inch qHD display (960×540), 1.4GHz dual-core […]
Samsung sold over 10m smartphones in China in Q1 2013
Market researcher, Strategy Analytics recently released figures claim Samsung has sold over 10 million smartphones in China in the first quarter of this year. This is the first time that Samsung has managed to sell over 10 million units in a single quarter – 12.5 million to be precise – while Apple’s share stood at […]
Samsung lists Galaxy S4 mini on Samsung Apps website
UPDATE: Samsung officially announces the Galaxy S4 mini (GT-I9190). The announcement of Galaxy S4 mini (GT-I9195) looks closer than ever as Samsung has listed the device on the Samsung Apps website. While the exact specs are still unconfirmed, the website has published a small image of the device, confirming design similar to the Galaxy S4. […]
Galaxy Star launched in India for Rs. 5,240
The Galaxy Star that was announced in March is now available for the Indian market. The phone is priced at just Rs. 5,240 and it clearly goes for the entry-level crowd who want to get a smartphone experience at an affordable price. The phone runs Android 4.1 out of the box and features a Cortex-A5 […]
GT-I8800 Redwood seen running Tizen 2.1 OS
Few images of Samsung’s first Tizen device has been leaked. The phone is identified as Redwood (GT-I8800) and is seen here running Tizen 2.1 OS that was announced at the Tizen Developer Conference yesterday. While full specs are still a mystery, the phone will hopefully have a 720p display and is confirmed to have S […]