Samsung Electronics recently introduced the new Series 7 All-in-one PC. Measuring at just 16mm and featuring a display that tilts 90 degrees and a 23-inch touch screen HD LED display, the PC is powered by the latest Intel Core i5/i3 processor. Series 7 features Wi-Fi capability, touch screen, built-in webcam, wireless keyboard and a wireless […]
Samsung at SID 2011
In addition to the display technologies announced a few days back, Samsung is showcasing a few more at the SID Display Week 2011 in United States. Samsung is exhibiting displays related to 3D, low-power display technology and next-generation displays. Some of the displays are: 70-inch 3D TV with 4K Ultra Definition using Oxide Semiconductor […]
First images of 10.1-inch WQXGA display for tablets
Check out the first images of the 10.1-inch WQXGA display that were announced earlier today. The images here we’re told is a lab demo panel, which means the panel does not show the full performance and quality of the 2560×1600 pixel screen. However, the prototype that will be showcased by Samsung and Nouvoyance at […]
Samsung unveils low-power PenTile display for HDTVs at SID 2011
In addition to showcasing a high-resolution LCD for tablets, Samsung again teamed up with Nouvoyance to bring a display for HDTV that enables noticeable power savings. The new technology combines frame sequential color (FSC), PenTile technology and RGB local dimming that produces wide range of colors, eliminates color breakup and consumes just 25 percent […]
Samsung showcases 10.1-inch WQXGA display for tablets
Samsung’s newly developed prototype display will pave way for high-resolution displays in the upcoming tablets. They have teamed up with Nouvoyance to demonstrate the industry’s first 10.1-inch WQXGA (2560×1600 pixels) display at the SID Display Week 2011. The screen boasts a 300dpi, which is more than double to what most tablets currently offer and […]