At the ongoing AsiaD in Hong Kong, Samsung’s Won-Pyo Hong confirmed couple of things related to the Apple litigation. He refuted JK Shin’s claims that Galaxy Nexus is free from any patent infringements. In fact, he termed it as a rumor and said the phone was designed before the whole lawsuit thing happened.
Hong also confirmed that Samsung has started working on the next version of TouchWiz and it is being developed so that it does not infringe any Apple-related patents. The new TouchWiz is expected in early 2012.
Source, Thanks Jeonn!
Ok, but they might get involved in a lawsuit against Walt Disney Pictures because the wallpaper in the first picture is a shot of TRON (1982) movie intro.
i don’t think so, WD is not apple
ahaha this is a B/W shot of the samsung sidekick ui…lol
Will this new touch wiz be coming to the S2