It seems Samsung has started rolling out the Ice Cream Sandwich update for Galaxy Note (N7000). Few users have started receiving notification for the firmware upgrade that will bump the Android to version 4.0 and bring in the Premium Suite apps.
Samsung firmware updates are generally released region-wise so you may have to wait a bit more to receive the notification.
UPDATE 2: The XDA Developers thread has revealed few more details. Its the XXLPY Android 4.0.3 build with a build date of May 4.
UPDATE: Its available for German Note users via Kies as well.
Finalmente !!! Quando chegara ao Brasil ?
When It’s for India
Samsung galaxy note is really the best set offered from Samsung. I am buying it soon.
When will we see it on our AT&T note’s (i717) here in the US?
When will we see it in Georgia?
Georgia the country, or Georgia the US State?
there is such country?
when we can get it in Estonia?
when we can get it in Malaysia?
When is it out for samsung galaxy note in India??
Pirammmida,когда выйдет прошивка для России? очень странно что у на ее нет,идет массовая реклама по тv.
Cuando saldra en Mexico la actualizacion 4.0 ICS para el Samsung Note
Desistindo do galaxy Note, pq a samsung está virando a motorola nas demoras das atualizações… Galaxy note tha virando passado por causa do falta de atualização.
I love my Note, but am so annoyed that Android 4.0 is still not available in the U.S., I may sell my phone and go back to my old iphone 4…. seriously!!!
На Украине до сих пор нет обновления, аж зло берет. Аппарат стоит нехило, а с обновлениями не торопятся. Кто-нибудь знает, когда на Украине будет обновляться? (Суппорт ответил, что с 11 июня, а когда же оно реально-то будет?)