Samsung Electronics will release first of its kind UMPC (Q1)and a laptop (Q30) which will feature a 32GB NAND flash-based solid state disk (SSD). The SSD enabled PCs means faster loading time, light weight and more resistant than the PCs based HDD.
The SSDs can read at a speed of 53MB/s and write at a speed of 28MB/s which is more faster than the conventional HDDs. The typical 1.8-inch hard disk drive weighs around 50 grams whereas the SSD is 20 to 30 grams lighter.
The retail price for the Q1-SSD will be KRW2.3 million (US$2,430) and the Q30-SSD will sell for KRW3.5 million (US$3,700). Both these SSD based devices will be available in early June in Korea.
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