Want a free trip to South Korea and visit one of the world’s biggest company’s headquarters? Well, you may want to enter the Samsung Mobile of the Future contest. Samsung and Financial Times have teamed up wherein a user has to write about 200-300 word paragraph about ‘the key features of the phone of the future’. It does not matter if it’s feasible or not but should not fail the two most important criterions – innovation and creativity.
This competition is open to anyone who is over 18 years of age. Fair enough? Head over to the link below to know the mailing details. By the way, you should do it right away because the contest closes today and the entries should be received before 5PM GMT.
The winner will get to know about the future of Samsung phones in their HQ including return business-class airfare and accommodation in a 4-star hotel. Two runners-up will receive Samsung Jet each.
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