Despite being the second largest handset manufacturer, Samsung does not have phones based on its own OS, until now. Dong-hoon Chan, head of mobile devices design group at Samsung confirmed recently that Samsung is developing its own OS based on Linux platform.
We’ve also managed to gather some more info. With no OS in their arsenal, Samsung heavily relied on third party software makers to power their phones and with its smartphone share expected to rise more in the near future, they wanted to reduce the dependency on others. The first phone with its own OS is likely to hit in early 2010 and it is safe to say that Samsung will also throw in their TouchWiz UI since it was opened up recently.

As for the phones, purely on the basis of speculation, we can expect Protector (I8320) to be one of them and recently discovered I6410 that bears the same description as Protector – Linux based touch pad based multi functional smart phone.
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