We checked out the recently announced Myfit and IceTouch PMPs. The Myfit PMP – as you understand – goes for the fitness seeking crowd. The player is pretty light and it’s the fitness and wellness management features that set it apart. There are sensors placed on the top of the player that checks the body fats, stress and melanin levels of the user. Placing a finger on top of the player instantly checked out my stress levels. Samsung did not reveal the exact price but it shouldn’t be more than $150.
IceTouch was placed in a glass so we really didn’t get to touch it but nonetheless, it’s transparent AMOLED was clearly visible. The player looks really good and has an interchangeable “Color Skirts” (bottom part).
The player will be available in 8/16GB capacities and supports SoundAlive 5.1 Channel (upgraded engine from DNSe) with an estimated playback time of 20 and 3.5 hours for audio/video respectively.
It looks like the Nokia 8800
When I heard that Samsung has been awarded with Innovation Honoree for 2 kinds of MP3 player, I thought it was going to be like the old M1, or M2 model this year again, but searching through the internet the new products have quite interesting features. First YP-H1 so called IceTouch is loaded with transparent 2 inch AMOLED display. Last year Sony Ericsson has shown Xperia Pureness with transparent mono LCD but it had crucial discomfort which was you can’t see very well from the bright side ending up getting not very good reviews. I’m excited and also doubtful as to whether the transparent AMOLED will be different. What’s even more amazing is that both sides of LCD are possible to operate by touch. If you see the review video below, they demonstrate the actual product but it doesn’t seem to operate smoothly, yet. Anyhow, I’m looking forward to the actual product that will be out.
Model YP-W1 Myfit is a product with features that can check the user’s health. The sensor at the top part of the product measures stress and body fat, and provides health applications such as checking the amount of burned calories and program to quit smoking. Due to the influence of iPod, MP3Ps are going beyond conventional thinking to add new features!
Looks like that’s the player for me! Just listening to the music was kinda boring but this player has fitness program that how much calories I should burn and I actually burned during my work out. This is perfect! I saw a video that shows how sensor and fitness program works, and really want to try that sensor thing, looks amazing! If anyone wants to watch it, go here. http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xbs95c_samsung-ypw1-myfit-pmp-debuts-at-ce_tech By the way, is there anyone know when this comes out to the market?
Myfit…The sensor which checks the stress level surprised me – it also plays music automatically if you are too much under stress! It seems really useful for people in these days. 🙂
But, I like Icetouch better. Neat design and pretty colors catch me into this one!!