Samsung has announced that its Omnia II smartphone has surpassed 600,000 units in South Korea. Unlike in the international market, Samsung sells different versions of Omnia II on different cellular operators like T*Omnia II (left) for SKT, SHOW Omnia (center) for KT and OZ Omnia (right) for LGT.
Samsung says Omnia II sales averaged about 100,000 units per month and the reason the phone is selling well is because users are satisfied with Omnia II’s performance and its after-sales service.
The common features found in all these phones are 3.7-inch AMOLED touchscreen display, 800MHz processor, 5MP camera, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth.
Never to buy the samsung products, they are really pathetic and dont ever expect after sale service this people they dont even turnup. I was so disappointed by their washing machine, tv, refrigerator that i sold them in six months.