Samsung’s Media Hub that will go live soon on US Galaxy S devices has got a brief walkthrough video. Media Hub will allow consumers to buy or rent TV shows or movies which they’ll be able to see on five different Samsung devices.
Samsung also confirmed to bring Media Hub to other devices but didn’t mention which devices will enjoy the Media app store.
Any idea when its going to start for the vibrant phone I’m sick of watching avatar
@Marney: They’re trying to bring it as soon as possible. I would reckon it in September, along with the Froyo update.
So is Media Hub movies Blockbuster? Is this BB VOD?
Well we are in October, I just got my new att galaxy and the media hub is still available. Does anyone know when it is going to be available?
I have the Epic 4G, and my media hub was available on September 30th. I like it, but they also mentioned being able to add it to other devices. That hasn’t happened, and it would be great to use it on my computer instead of watching it on my phone.
Who is supplying the movies (VOD), is it Amazon or Blockbuster?