UPDATE: For instance, file.1234567890123456 (bold numbers represent the extension)
Galaxy S is one of the best Android devices in the market but it certainly is not a flawless device. We already know about its GPS bug and now another issue has surfaced – the phone reportedly crashes and cannot connect to Kies software if you have a file with more than 16-character extension.
Gizmodo France discovered this bug and it seems Samsung is also aware of it and are working on it. This is the official (translated) statement from Samsung France.
We discovered that in very limited circumstances does connect the Samsung S Galaxy to a PC via the utility Kies may cause an auto-reset of the product. This happens in cases where the product contains files whose extension includes more than 16 characters. Deleting these files remedy the problem.
If you’ve experienced something similar do let us know in the comments.
[Thanks, Max!]
What dose it mean?
Files looks like
a.) file.01234567890123 (excluding the point)
b.) file.012345678901234567 (only file extension)
c.) file.0123456789012 (include the point)
d.) 012345678901234567.tgz (long filename with a standard file extension)
I guess I need to get rid of all my .whatchootalkinboutwillis files…
probably a,b or c not D
what firmware are you using ?
cause this is valid for the v2.2 unofficial beta versions, but with the official versions like G1, G5 this is not the case..
Known issue … especially those hidden file.
i guess once you installed pure calendar/pure messenger/pure music, you won’t able to connect to Kies ..
Also found that if you have SSID set to not broadcast it drops the Wifi after 5 secs. If the SSID is set back to broadcast then it works. Not a good feature for the security nuts out there
hey i have the same problem (or so I hope). although the reset in my case does not happen so rapidly. it happens about once every 4-5 seconds.
Where should I search for such files as you mention?
BTW, have tried and failed with following
(1) first tried killing apps on the phone, no luck.
(2) then tried updating, uninstalling, installing kies. no luck.
(3) then tried disabling antivirus on pc, still no luck
(3) then uninstalled few apps from phone, still no luck
(4) then saw this post.
(4) now sitting and deleting files (from hidden blue tooth transfer which appear to be of very long name)
Excuse me for my ignorance. But how/where do you see a file’s extension in the Galaxy S?
I’m glad to see that a video was made to show the problem(ie Bug). I just wish that a video would be for the solution.
A temporary solution for moving video and music around, until Skies is fixed.
Yes I’m experiencing this bug too.. Where and how do I find these files and delete it? I’ve been wrecking my brains out trying to solve this problem.. From Malaysia
I Know I may be too late in posting this. Still in case it helps anyone I share this info.
I my case the culprit was Dolphin HD. Visit its folders and you may find files matching this criteria. Twice this problem happened and both times due to this reason. Ever since I stopped using the Dolphin HD browser.