Want some keyboard tracing goodness on your good ol’ Wave (S8500)? Well, a forum poster at Samsungfirmwareworld has posted a leaked build of bada OS 1.2 (S8500XXJID) meant for S8500 that brings continuous typing input. Users at the forum claim that the build features Swype but we reckon it could be Nuance’s T9 Trace, which is found on the new Wave II.
Other few things found are new USB icon and the phone’s UI and browser performing more fluid.
The firmware is meant for European Waves so you might want to tread with caution before you flash your Wave.
when can we expect the wave to come here in the US ?
Joey: As far as Samsung’s stand is – they don’t think bada OS fits the US market. In short Wave coming to US looks unlikely for now.
When do u think bada 1.2 will come to India?