UPDATE: Samsung has also released monthly sales figures of the phone. Samsung sold 530,000 units in June, 1.34m in July, 1.37m in August and 1.8m in September.
In addition to unveiling Galaxy S and Galaxy Tab for the Japanese market, Samsung today confirmed sales figure of its Galaxy S smartphone. Samsung has managed to sell over 5 million units worldwide, which is an impressive achievement considering it’s been in the market for a few months.
Meanwhile, Samsung has also released sales figures for the US as well as South Korean market. Samsung’s four different Galaxy S variants have surpassed sales of more than 2 million units in US whereas South Korea’s two variants – Galaxy S and Galaxy U have sold about 1.3 million units, making it the fastest selling mobile phone in the South Korean market.
[Thanks, Jeonn!]
Amazing sale!
I’m glad the sales are going good with Galaxy S phones. I love my Vibrant. But I’m not surprised that they are doing that well because I know two other people with Galaxy S phones besides me. While I only know one person with an iPhone 4.
yeah great sale, but how about fixning damn GPS and lag problem ? without editing gps.conf files and applying lag fix patches ?
I wonder how samsung other android phones are doing.