UPDATE: We have got word from Samsung Romania that the icon’s text has been changed to ‘Acasa’, which means Home in Romanian. Click here.
Don’t let that button at the bottom tempt you because it is not a one click access to the best porn available on the world wide web but is instead, the Home button of Samsung’s Galaxy Tab running with Romanian language. ‘Porn’ is short for ‘Pornire’, meaning ‘Start’ in Romanian and is sure to attract some attention in the first glimpse, more so for people who aren’t familiar with the language.
Needless to say, we won’t be surprised to see if Samsung steps in to change this inadvertent error by removing the word or allowing to display the complete word below the icon.
‘Pornire’ = Start UP / Start / Power ON
‘HOME’ = ‘cas?’ / ‘acas?’
‘Pornire’ is different from ‘Home’, since their meaning is different, probably the translation is wrong.
Your site doesn’t support Romanian characters 😉 small correction, instead of cas?/acas? use casa/acasa.