Spanish arm of Vodafone has confirmed to carry Samsung’s Galaxy Tab. The Android tablet will be available in the coming weeks but interested users can pre-register on Vodafone’s website. As for the price, Vodafone will sell the tablet for 199 euros on an 18-month contract.
To rehash, Galaxy Tab features a 7-inch Super LCD display (1024×600), 1GHz Hummingbird CPU, Android 2.2 OS, voice calling functionality, 3MP rear camera, 1.3MP front-facing camera, Wi-Fi 802.11n, Bluetooth 3.0, Swype text input, 16 or 32GB internal storage, microSD card slot and 4000mAh battery.
AMora says
Hi kunal
What is different between “Super LCD” (new HTC Desire), “Super TFT” (Galaxy Tab), “Super Clear LCD” (Wave II) displays?
are they same?
thank you…
kunal says
Amora: Not sure about Desire’s Super LCD but Super TFT and Super Clear LCD are the same.
AMora says
Thanks for your quick answer 😉
ball says
4000mAh not 400mAh
kunal says
Corrected. Thanks!
Sonia Rocha says
quais são as obrigatoriedades do contrato de 18 meses?
Aguardo a vossa resposta em breve, obrigada.