Samsung bada’s first year-anniversary that coincided with South Korea’s developer day was more than just announcing winners of the Samsung Apps contest. Samsung also highlighted bada OS’ future, confirming that the Korean giant plans to support it strongly.
The bada OS which is currently at v1.2 will get a major leap next year in the form of bada 2.0. As you can see from the image, there will be lots of new features added like an improved user interface, Near Field Communication (NFC) support, smarter home screen, SDK support for Linux and Mac, 3rd party SNS integration and more.
Unfortunately, Samsung hasn’t confirmed if older Wave devices will be blessed with this major update or not.

In addition to the OS update, Samsung has also projected to sell more than 10 million Wave devices in the first half of next year, which I assume includes this year’s sales figure as well.
[Thanks, David!]
Samsung should bring to US those Wave phones, specially the Wave II.
will the S8500 Wave get bada 2.0 update?
Hi samsung team,
will the existing Wave models get an update to BADA 2.0 ,Please let know as the Android market gives that compatability
If its a go for existing models,hurry you have captured the market for customer support
Samsung Wave S8500 is the best of the wave family in my opinion, so far.
It has the same hardware as the Wave II, but looks much better, with a killer Super AMOLED screen. With a 3.3″ display, it’s size is perfect, while Wave II is just too big and not interesting.
In short – Samsung, you have to support Wave S8500 with Bada 2.0!!
It is your first born, don’t turn your back on it
Will Samsung stop updating older phones as usual or will the old Wave get 2.0? Will it have text reflow?
Will Samsung ever fix all the bugs in KIES? Will Samsung ever come with the Bada 1.2 update for the old Wave?
The old Wave is actually a phenomenal phone but Samsung released it to quickly. Samsung should have waited until now to release it so that most bugs were gone. In the future Samsung need to test their phones better.
I am very disappointed that such a promising phone hasn’t delivered mainly because of Samsungs incompetence. And please do something about KIES!
I am very happy with the hardware of my Wave I, however some annoyances with the Software really bother me.
Hopefully these will be solved with 2.0.
It’s a bit worrying that 1.2 isn’t still available on the Wave.
One thing is for sure, If the phone cannot be upgraded to 1.2 or 2.0 I will not buy a bada phone again. That’s not a threat. That’s a fact. 😉
I will pray that my samsung wave must get this update otherwise there will be no use of my samsung wave 🙁
Justin Hong said: “S8500 will get bada 2.0”
on twitter
If Samsung will tie Bada firmware releases to specific phones, they will kill the Bada ecosystem, and the Wave as a smartphone.
Even apple made sure iOS 4 will be backwards compatible with iPhone 3GS.
Samsung is playing a dangerous game here with their customers. And customers are loosing their patience.
I for one, will never buy another Samsung phone, if my Wave s8500 will not get future updates of Bada (which is quite lacking at the moment). This is the minimum I expect when I buy a smartphone.
samsung team should upgrade the s8500…else they will be ruining their image..as in future users may not purchase bada handset just because fearing of not getting upgraded to futures firmware udpates(may be bada 3.0)
Wave s8500 is amazing phone hardware and software stqbility wise but i dont think it is a smartphone..there is not much you can do with it.. although it is blazing fast,, camera and video recording is superb but some descent and common apps like nimbuzz and alternate browser are missing badly..nimbuzz and opera would make this phone two times better..
I bought an S8000 Jet
It was a fairly good phone but Samsung decided not to support it with appropriate firmware to fix it’s intrinsic faults and let it achieve it’s potential.
I was very disappointed and this was my first Samsung handset, but I decided to give them one more go and bought a Wave.
If Samsung don’t continue to support the S8500 with Firmware updates, such as Bada 2, I would cease to support Samsung and switch to another brand – not just of phones but as a general policy of brand avoidance.
Samsung should learn from Apple’s example. Instead of spewing a ridiculous number of handset models onto the market and abandoning them and their users almost immediately, they should take the long view and produce a few exceptional models which are given long term support.
Apple have only ever produced 4 distinct phones, yet they now have higher earnings than any other handset manufacturer.
Ok, Bada 2.0, hope it will once for all get to the market at time and then we see! Before that – if you own Samsung Wave or any other Bada OS phone and looking for themes check my site – ohhhhh, link in my name?
hello plz release BADA 2.0 in india as soon as possible my friends are playing jokes with me by comparing with their android phones.plz release 2.0 as soon as possible plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
@ ujjwal: that’s just because bada is quite new, if u wait another year, it’ll be all there, do you think apple store/ android market had miilions of apps immediatly?, what you say has nothing to do with smartphone, but with the appstore. I even think that the most most neede apps are there already, which surprises me for samsung in some way. But you’re right, there are better browser as dolphin, and i even liked the 2.0 more then the 2.2 now :/ the bars above and under are just to big, and in 2.0 u could put em away, in 2.0 u always havfe to wait till they disappear… big mistake there, and yh, nimbuzz would come in handy
Samsung has to play the game honestly with their customers. I have a wave 2 and I expect an upgrade to bada 2.0.
Normally, not all, but most of the samsung wave family, if the hardware is compatible must get the update.
Otherwise millions will be angry and samsung will loose, bada will loose….Android is on the market, more powerfull and fighting to catch wave customers…BE CARREFUL SAMMY…..
i want bada 2.o for my samsung s 8500 and paid apps in slovakia as well,now my wave is for me hi-tech phone but no smartphone (no paid apps,no multitasking,no flash player,no voip)