Hot on the heels of Samsung’s supposed promise to give Galaxy S (I9000) users the Gingerbread love, we’ve got the very first leaked build of Android 2.3.2. The build Gingerbread XWJV1 first surfaced on a Polish forum followed by huge interest over at XDA forums and Samfirmware.
It’s a very early build so don’t expect it to be a smooth ride. There’s no Swype and Android Market reportedly does not work. On the bright side, users are claiming it to be one of the fastest and smoothest ROMs for Galaxy S.
As it goes for every firmware, try it at your own risk.

Is it TouchWiz 4.0..??
Market works ok for me flashed with odin i live in the UK
rom works super fast, no lag fix needed, only swype doesnt work and keeps hanging sometimes with internet suddenly but if the rom is going to be like this then u dont need dual core hahaha