A new Gingerbread build for Galaxy S has been leaked. The XXJVK (Android 2.3.3) is now available for you to download, which is claimed by Samfirmware as a beta build whereas the original leaker says its an “official release.” Whatever the case is, the new ROM is said to be stable than the previously leaked Android 2.3.2 build.
More details on the leaked build at the XDA thread.
UPDATE: One of our reader on Facebook comments on the build being a beta and misses few features. On the up side, he felt the ROM to be “very fast and smooth.”
Heb sinds gister avond 2.3.3 i9000xxjvk draaien.
Wat me opvalt is
– dat het batterij gebruik veel te hoog is. (GPS blijft aan)
– Quadrant loopt testen niet af. (stopt bij I/0)
– gps / wifi werkt goed.
– USB alleen kies/media speler/massa opslag en geen opie kiezen
– bluetooth nog niet getest
Verder draait ie lekker soepel.
If this is leaked then it’s a bit risky to download it right.