Samsung has announced to release a new Galaxy S II software update that will add two new features to the phone. Expected to release soon, the new update’s highlight is the Big Home that increases the icon size by 30%. Next feature is the System Update widget. The new update brings firmware-over-the-air widget that allows instant access to update phone software and notify if a new one is available.
UPDATE: Samsung has released a new statement saying this new update is restricted to Korea and is an ‘option’ in addition to the regular UI.
Shouldn’t it be the other way around? The screen is big enough to make another row and column of icons in the homescreen. Not everybody can get ADW and do that.
Indeed, it should be the other way around.
I use one of ADW’a many alternatives (GO Launcher) to achieve just the thing.
Furthermore, my S2 is already OTA capable and I don’t need a widget to constantly confirm that there is no update available. The two updates I got from Samsung NL so far were distributed through KIES only by the way.
i like it
Samsung plz change it 3×3 doesn’t look good,
I prefer 5×5 and 5×6 or allow the user to switch between them
Are you mad. 3×3 just looks crazy. The original is the best.
dont worry. Just optional..
dont worry. Just optional..
How can I back to default size?