You don’t kick a person to the kerb during his bad times! Samsung seems to know this and have decided to retain JK Shin as the chief of mobile division. Under his helm, Samsung rose to the number one spot in the smartphone market but the top spot is in jeopardy considering slow sales of Samsung mobile devices.
There was a report from WSJ last week that claimed JK Shin could get the axe due to dismal performance of his division. Mobile division is also one of the major sources of revenue for Samsung Electronics.
We have decided to Maintain the status Quo for the time being.
Shin will also remain the co-CEO of Samsung Electronics along with OH Kwon and BK Yoon who also head the components and digital appliances business respectively.
Samsung puts the decision as to have a stable environment in the organisation but an unnamed executive expects shake up when JY Lee takes over from his father and Chairman who has been recovering from his heart attack since May.
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