Come November 1, Samsung will celebrate its 40th birth anniversary. Started as an OEM with 36 employees in 1969, Samsung today has transformed into a giant conglomerate functioning as an OEM as well as a product selling company. Korea Times has a decent overview of company’s whole journey and a bit on the future […]
French e-tailer leaks S5560
Either the image is just a placeholder or Samsung have run out of design ideas for a new device. A listing of S5560 has been found on a French e-tailer site that is strikingly similar to Verizon’s upcoming Omnia II but with toned down features. The phone seems to be another mid-range full touchscreen […]
Samsung brings Omnia II to India, comes with WinMo 6.1
Samsung today announced its flagship device from the Omnia range. The Omnia II (I8000) equipped with a solid hardware set is one of the most sought devices but the decision to go with Windows Mobile 6.1 seems to be an absurd move, since WinMo 6.5 is already released. Anyways, if you’re aware of the […]
There’s an Omnia for everyone in Korea
Except for unlocked, most of us would find Omnia devices being sold on a single operator. However, in its home market, Samsung has for the first time, mass released different Omnia devices for different operators. SKT will sell T*Omnia II (M710/M715) and Omnia Pop (M720), KT will sell SHOW Omnia (M8400) and Omnia Pop […]
Samsung releases N140 with Windows 7
Samsung has announced N140 netbook loaded with Windows 7 for the Indian market. N140 looks to be just another netbook but the differentiation comes from its curved exterior that makes it easy to carry and a whopping 11 hours of battery life. Rest of the specs are more or less at par with other […]