Samsung has now started the sales its 3G clamshell phone, Z230 in France. The phone is a GSM/UMTS one with almost all the same features available in every clamshell. For the record, it has a 1.3 megapixel camera, 260K colors TFT internal screen, 65K color STN external screen, 28MB internal memory with support of […]
Wireless PDP TV from Samsung
Samsung has got a new HD PDP TV for the Korean market. It is touted as the world’s first HD-compatible wireless PDP TV. Haven’t we got enough ‘firsts’ Samsung? Anyways, this TV (model no. SPD-50P7HDT) will be a 50-incher and features a wireless AV center which acts as an mediator between the different gadgets […]
Samsung YP-K5 DAP with integrated speakers
This cool looking DAP is from Samsung. Not only it looks sexy but also it comes with an integrated speaker of the same size of the DAP. The YP-K5 plays Mp3, WMA, ASF and OGG and features DNSE for enhanced quality of music. Pricing and availability is not known but will come in capacities […]
Samsung Q40 Notebook in Pink
Its not the mobile phones or the gaming consoles turning pink, but here’s a notebook from Samsung which signifies the feminine side. The Samsung Q40 is pretty sleek which measures just under an inch and packs a 1.2GHz Core solo processor, 512MB of RAM, a 12.1″ widescreen display and a 60GB HDD. It also […]
Samsung develops 3" VGA screen for Digital Cameras
Samsung announces that they have developed a 3″ VGA screen which can be used in digital cameras. Digital camera makers use an interface known as ITU-R601, an international standard for cathode ray tube (CRT) TVs that operates at 30Hz. This standard is incompatible with LCDs, which normally run at 60Hz. Manufacturers have had to […]