Samsung has reportedly started rolling out the Android Nougat update for its Galaxy S7 and Galaxy S7 edge users who were a part of the Galaxy Beta program. The update is about 215MB for those who were already on the Nougat beta build but will expectedly be around a gigabyte when one goes from Android […]
Samsung unveils QLED TVs at CES
Hot on the heels of CES 2017, Samsung today announced their latest QLED TV series. The Q9, Q8 and the Q7 TVs boast improved picture quality, thanks to the evolution of Quantum dots technology. Samsung says the metal alloy Quantum dots technology allows the TV to produce richer and accurate colour range, up to 100 […]
Samsung to add more Quantum Dot Curved monitors to its lineup
Samsung first introduced Quantum Dot technology in curved monitors earlier this year and now they’re expanding the lineup with the new CH711. Targeted at gamers, the CH711 is expected to go on sale in early 2017 in two screen sizes – 27-inch 31.5-inch. It has a 178-degree viewing angle, an 1800R curvature, sRGB colour support […]
M9500 Blu-ray Player promises better UHD viewing experience
In addition to the soundbar and the speaker, Samsung has also confirmed to showcase the M9500 UHD Blu-ray player at the CES. Some of the improvements in the new player include HDR and new Private Cinema Mode that streams audio directly to user’s Bluetooth earphones. Moreover, the device is intelligent to analyse the content that […]
Black Pearl Galaxy S7 edge now on pre-order in India
Samsung generally holds off launching special edition devices in India but in a surprising turn of events, Samsung India is now accepting pre-orders of the Galaxy S7 edge Black Pearl and will release the device on December 30. Rest of the features remain unchanged, which means you’ve got the darker than Black Onyx colour that […]