Samsung has launched the S Pebble (YP-W1) music player for the South Korean market. The accessory was announced alongside Galaxy S III back in May that allows users to copy the music from the phone directly to the player without the need of PC. However, if you wish, you can still copy files from […]
Samsung Makes Galaxy Player 5.8 Official
Samsung has acknowledged the recently leaked Galaxy Player 5.8. Samsung hasn’t unveiled full specs of the device but the Galaxy Player 5.8 comes with a large 5.8-inch 16:9 display along with mDNIe (Mobile Digital Natural Engine). Moreover, the player runs Android 4.0 and features SoundAlive, Bluetooth 4.0, front speakers, Wi-Fi, ChatON, 2500mAh battery and […]
Alleged Image of YP-GP1 leaked
A new image and specs of Samsung’s upcoming Galaxy Player has been leaked. Identified as YP-GP1, the first time we heard about this PMP was when it trickled through the benchmark site last month. The device looks to be inspired from Samsung’s Galaxy S III curvy design and features loudspeakers on the bezel, akin […]
Samsung YP-GP1 is an Android 4.0 Galaxy Player
Samsung’s current range of Galaxy Player runs Android 2.3 out of the box but the upcoming Galaxy Player will run Android 4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich), according to leaked benchmarks. The YP-GP1 has been spied by an eagle-eyed reader GLBenchmark and Nenamark benchmark sites. As for the known details, the Android media player will feature […]
Samsung announces Galaxy S WiFi 4.2 for Germany
Samsung has started releasing its Galaxy S WiFi 4.2 media player in different markets and the latest in line is Germany. The Galaxy S WiFi 4.2 (aka Galaxy Player 4.2) is based on Android 2.3 OS and targets users who need a media player along with decent gaming prowess. The player comes with a […]