UPDATE: The phone is now listed on the Samsung India online store. Its priced at Rs. 3260. Product Page Samsung has expanded its touchscreen phone lineup with a cheap Dual SIM phone. It will be known as Champ Neo Duos (GT-C3262) in India and will bring in 2.4-inch touchscreen display along with stylus support […]
Samsung Debunks Galaxy S IV Rumor
Samsung took to their Twitter account to quash the Galaxy S IV rumor from yesterday. Samsung tweeted that the report claiming Galaxy S IV unveiling at MWC is untrue. The report by Korea Times stated Samsung will announce the Galaxy S IV at Mobile World Congress and will sell the phone from March. The […]
Indian Retailers Start Selling Galaxy Chat (B5330)
Samsung’s cheapest Ice Cream Sandwich running phone is now available in India. Indian online retailers like Saholic and Infibeam have started selling the Galaxy Chat that runs Android 4.0 and features a physical QWERTY keyboard along with a dedicated ChatON key. The phone’s hardware specs include an 850MHz processor, 7.2Mbps HSDPA and 5.76Mbps HSUPA […]
Samsung Galaxy S IV rumored for MWC
Galaxy S III has been on retail shelves for barely four months and we’re hearing rumors of its successor. Korea Times reports Samsung “released” a timetable soon after the unveiling of the iPhone 5 that set Galaxy S IV unveiling for Mobile World Congress and sales sometime in March. “Samsung is ready to unveil […]
Samsung Takes on iPhone 5 With New Ad
We’ve seen Samsung taking jabs at Apple in the past and the world’s number one mobile phone maker will take on Apple again for its upcoming iPhone 5. An ad by Samsung will be published in national newspapers in United States today that will try to undermine the iPhone 5. The iPhone 5 is […]