Sprint has expanded its Android lineup with the new Samsung Galaxy phone. The Galaxy Victory 4G LTE is a decently spec’d phone that comes with Sprint’s 4G LTE support, Android 4.0 OS, 1.2GHz dual-core processor, 4-inch display, 5MP main camera and 1.3MP rear-facing camera, NFC, Google Wallet and Galaxy S III-like features like S […]
Samsung to launch Galaxy S III LTE in Singapore
Samsung has announced the availability of the Galaxy S III LTE for the Singaporean market. Expected by end of this month, consumers will be able to buy the new variant for S$998 without contract. Interestingly, the LTE version will run Android 4.1 out of the box and unlike the US Galaxy S III LTE […]
Galaxy S III Android 4.1 update confirmed for October; 30m sales by end of 2012
Samsung will release the Galaxy S III Jelly Bean firmware update next month, according to CNET UK. Although there isn’t a specific date, the site got a confirmation from the company to look out in “October.” Meanwhile in South Korea, JK Shin threw some sales projection of the Galaxy S III. Apparently, Samsung is […]
Rumor: Samsung to Upgrade Galaxy Ace 2 and Galaxy S Advance to Android 4.1
It seems Samsung’s subsidiaries have taken to Facebook to reveal upgrade plans of their devices. When asked by a user on the impending ICS updates for Galaxy Ace 2 and Galaxy S Advance, Samsung Bulgaria responded saying the mid-range phones will skip the Android 4.0 update and instead be upgraded to Android 4.1. Samsung […]
Galaxy S II Jelly Bean Update Slated for November?
UPDATE: Samsung Denmark posted a similar list claiming Galaxy S II’s Android 4.1 update for November. Samsung during the Mobile Unpacked event wasn’t as forthcoming about the Jelly Bean update for its devices except for a few like Galaxy S III, Galaxy Note, Galaxy Note 10.1. Luckily we know Galaxy Tab 2 7.0 will […]