Samsung India introduced the budget segment phone the Galaxy J4. Galaxy J4 features advanced memory management feature that saves the images and videos to the external SD card instead of the internal storage. Galaxy J4 is powered by a 1.4GHz Exynos processor and a 3,000 mAh battery. The phone comes in 2GB/16GB and 3GB/32GB option […]
Samsung introduces Galaxy A6, A6+, J6 and J8 phones in India
Samsung today expanded its affordable smartphone lineup with four new phones for the Indian market. The company announced Galaxy A6 and Galaxy A6+ from the A-series and Galaxy J6 and Galaxy J8 phones from the J-series. The phones draw inspiration from its expensive siblings with its Infinity Design and 18.5:9 Super AMOLED display. The Galaxy […]
Galaxy J7 Duo announced in India with dual cameras
Samsung today expanded its J Series smartphone lineup with J7 Duo. Priced at Rs. 16,990, the Galaxy J7 Duo is the first phone in the J Series to sport two cameras at the back. The phone features a 13MP main cameras along with 5MP as the second one with f/1.9 aperture and LED flash. The […]
Limited-Edition Galaxy S8 in Burgundy Red now available
Samsung India launched the limited edition of the Galaxy S8 in Burgundy Red. Galaxy S8 is Samsung’s first device that featured Infinity display with a bezel-less design. The device also comes with Samsung Pay, the mobile payment service with defense-grade security, the best low-light camera and a virtual assistant, Bixby. The Burgundy Red edition of […]
Galaxy S9, S9+ now available in 128GB variant in India
Samsung has confirmed that they’ve started selling the 128GB variant of the Galaxy S9 and the Galaxy S9+ in the Indian market. The new storage option is now available online as well as offline retail stores for a price of Rs. 61,900 (Galaxy S9) and Rs. 68,900 (Galaxy S9+) respectively in midnight black, lilac purple […]