After launching a new colour for the Galaxy S8 yesterday, it’s time for Galaxy S8+ to get some special treatment. Samsung has announced the SMARTgirl Galaxy S8+ limited edition that will sell from next month in Spain. Limited to just 7,000 units, the phone sports a metallic pink finish and comes with a special case […]
Samsung launches Burgundy Red Galaxy S8 in South Korea
Samsung’s Galaxy S8 has been selling in variety of colours but if you reside in South Korea and are looking for a new option, Samsung has launched a Burgundy Red Galaxy S8. The colour will also expand to other markets but Samsung hasn’t confirmed anything except that “select markets” will get the new colour option. […]
Galaxy Note8 gets Deepsea Blue colour in US
Samsung has expanded Galaxy Note8’s colour palette, at least in the United States. The new colour joins Orchid Gray and Midnight Black colour options and will go on sale from November 16. The new colour will be available for unlocked as well as carrier specific variants for A&T, Sprint and Verizon customers. Apart from the […]
Samsung mocks iPhone X in latest commercial
Samsung has a long history of taking potshots at Apple devices so it comes as no surprise that they’ve gone against Apple’s latest iPhone. The commercial looks back at iPhone launches over the years and subtly comparing it with Samsung’s Galaxy devices that have added features like water resistance, wireless charging, Infinity Display over the […]
Samsung brings Galaxy Note8 to India
Samsung has rather chosen an unusual day (iPhone day!) but the company today announced its latest flagship phone for the Indian market. The Galaxy Note8 that has been on pre-registration will finally be available from September 21 to early buyers. The Galaxy Note8 is essentially the Galaxy S8 with a dual camera setup at the […]