American carrier, Sprint has added Samsung’s Galaxy Grand Prime to its lineup. It’s an affordable device that brings LTE support and runs Android 5.1. The phone features 5-inch qHD (960×540) resolution, 1.2GHz quad-core processor, 8 megapixel rear facing camera, 5 megapixel front camera with wide angle lens, 8GB internal memory, microSD card slot, Wi-Fi calling […]
Samsung Z3 Tizen phone tipped to have HD AMOLED display, quad-core CPU
With Samsung Z1 turning out to be an unexpected hit in emerging markets like India and Bangladesh, Samsung is looking to cash on the response with Samsung Z3, reports SamMobile. Expected to be unveiled at the Tizen Developer Summit in India, the Samsung Z3 is rumoured to run the latest Tizen 2.4 OS and feature […]
Samsung’s Tizen-powered Z1 sales surpass 1 million units
Samsung has confirmed that they’ve sold over 1 million units of its entry-level Z1 smartphones. The phone reached the milestone in under six months of its launch and is now being sold in many Asian markets after its release in India. Samsung India’s Asim Warsi claims the phone fared “better than [their] expectations” and is […]
Samsung reveals Galaxy J5 and J7 phones with front-facing flash
Samsung has been catering to the selfie loving crowd with some devices but none of them had a front-facing flash, until now. Behold the J series, that currently comprises of Galaxy J5 and J7 with a front-facing flash. The phones, as you’d expect, will take better selfies in low light conditions. Hardware-wise, both the phones […]
Game Recorder+ app allows users to record their gaming skills
Samsung today announced an app that can prove handy for mobile gamers. Dubbed Game Record+, the app allows gamers to record their gaming session so that they can brag about their mobile gaming skills. The app basically works as a floating app over the game where the gamer can play the game and at the […]