Samsung has launched its range of ATIV Smart PCs for the Indian market. The Smart PC and Smart PC Pro is powered by Intel’s Atom and Core i5 processors respectively and runs full fledged version of Windows 8 OS that ensures backward compatibility with previous Windows apps. Both PCs can be transformed to a […]
Google Announces ARM-based Samsung Chromebook for $249
Google just announced a new Chromebook made by Samsung. The new Chromebook will sell for $249, making it the cheapest Chromebook available in the market and is powered by Samsung’s Exynos 5 Dual ARM processor. In addition to this, the Chromebook comes with an 11.6-inch display, 2GB RAM, Wi-Fi, two USB ports, HDMI-out port, […]
Samsung Launches Series 9, Series 5, Series 3 Notebooks In India
Samsung at an event in New Delhi today refreshed its notebook lineup with three new laptops – second-generation Series 9, Series 5 550P and Series 3 350. Series 9 is the top-tier notebook that boasts performance with stylish looks. Samsung claims the new Series 9 notebook is a culmination of about 33,000 hours of […]
Samsung Series 9 Notebook Seen With 2560×1440 Display at IFA
Although Samsung is showcasing some interesting devices at IFA, here’s one product that hasn’t got any attention, until now. All About Samsung caught the Series 9 notebook having a display panel supporting resolution up to 2560×1440 (WQHD). Admittedly, the resolution is not as high as Apple’s Macbook Pro with Retina Display but the pixel […]
Samsung Unveils ATIV Smart PC and ATIV Smart PC Pro
If Windows RT-based ATIV Tab doesn’t impress you, Samsung also unveiled ATIV Smart PC and ATIV Smart PC Pro hybrid devices that are powered by Intel’s x86 chips and run full-fledged Windows 8 OS. Both the PCs have a detachable keyboard docking system that can transform it into a laptop or a tablet. Some […]