Samsung’s South Korean Galaxy S variant has been priced and dated by its official carrier, SKT. The Galaxy S (SHW-M110S) will start selling from June 25 for 295,000 won or 84,000 or free, depending on the plan you choose on contract. As we all know, South Korea’s Galaxy S is more or less similar […]
Samsung Galaxy 3 (I5800) will arrive in late July in Russia for 360 euros
Samsung Galaxy 3 (I5800) that was announced at CommunicAsia last week has been dated and priced for the Russian market. The Galaxy 3 will start retailing in Russia from late July for 14,000 rubles or 360 euros. This is a bit expensive considering its mediocre specs except for the inclusion of Wi-Fi 802.11n and […]
Samsung US will unveil Galaxy S on June 29
Samsung is holding a special event in New York on June 29 to unveil a “new class of brilliant Android smart phones.” The invite clearly mentions Galaxy S, which means there’s a fair chance Samsung will go official with different variants of Galaxy S meant for different carriers. AT&T has already announced Captivate (I897) […]
Samsung preparing Galaxy Q with QWERTY keyboard to take on Blackberry
Samsung has lots of handsets to offer from its Galaxy portfolio but none of it have a physical QWERTY keyboard. Well, that’s going to change by end of this year, according to a report from Korea Times. They’re claiming that Samsung has prepared a QWERTY Android device that will hit the US market by […]
Samsung YP-MB2 to be known as Galaxy Touch, release in August?
We were the first one to report that YP-MB2 might be similar to Galaxy S and it looks like it will be. Korean site Wownet has published some information regarding the impending PMP. According to them, YP-MB2 will be known as Galaxy Touch and will have the same design and similar specs sans the […]