New images and a video has surfaced showing Samsung’s second Android phone. The new pictures show a different Galaxy Lite complete with a Home and Web button which were lacking in the previous image. It has a 3.2MP camera, 1GB internal storage, microSD slot, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, GPS and HSDPA. There’s no mention on the […]
Is this the I5700 Galaxy Lite?
UPDATE: GSMArena claims to have some more information. Apparently, it will be known as I5700 Galaxy Spica and have a 800MHz CPU (same as Omnia II), run on Android 1.5 Cupcake update. Wow! Still Lite?! The phone you’re seeing above is the purported image of I5700 Galaxy Lite, smaller sibling of I7500 Galaxy. The […]
Samsung Galaxy I7500 available in UK on O2 and Orange
The latest report suggests that Samsung’s Android phone has been delayed in UK but if you’ve been wanting it badly, you can pick one up on both Orange and O2 network. Phoneslimited is selling them and if you’re ok to bind yourself with a 2-year contract and £35.00 monthly rent, you can take the […]
Samsung I5700 aka Galaxy Lite passes FCC
Samsung’s assumed cheaper variant of Galaxy dubbed as GT-I5700 or Galaxy Lite has earned an FCC certification. Since the certification is new, other details and pictures are still under wraps but we do know that it will support GSM bands and other connectivity options like Bluetooth and Wi-Fi. Meanwhile, have a look at the […]
Samsung I7500 Galaxy coming to UK next week
We already know O2 will be the official carrier in UK and now first hand news comes from Register about the phone’s launch. According to some employees at retail outlets who consulted O2’s stock management system told Register the phone will arrive in stores next week. The price at which the phone will sell […]