Samsung has expanded its Galaxy lineup with a new handset dubbed as the Galaxy Core. Expected in dual-SIM variant from this month and single-SIM variant from July, the Galaxy Core offers mid-range specs with a touch of smart features like the Smart Stay, Smart Alert, S Voice and Motion UI. On the hardware side, the […]
Galaxy S Relay 4G gets Jelly Bean update
T-Mobile has started rolling out the Android Jelly Bean update for the Samsung Galaxy S Relay 4G smartphone. The update will bump the OS version to 4.1.2 and bring the usual Jelly Bean goodness like Project Butter for improved graphics performance, new TouchWiz, Google Now, expandable and actionable notifications and lots more. The update is […]
Samsung Galaxy devices design post-Galaxy S III
These are the devices Samsung announced since the launch of Galaxy S III in May last year. As evident from the image, Samsung has heavily relied on a curvy design with some adopting a design similar to their predecessor like the Galaxy S II Plus or the Galaxy Ace Duos. So as consumers what do […]
Galaxy Star and Galaxy Pocket Neo get official in Africa
UPDATE (April 3): Samsung has officially announced the devices today. We’ve updated this post with official pictures and specs. At the Samsung Forum in South Africa, Samsung announced two new devices – the Galaxy Star and the Galaxy Pocket Neo. Both devices are entry-level Android phones and apparently run Android OS 4.1. On the specs […]
Samsung shipped 213 million smartphones in 2012
Samsung generally does not comment on their sales numbers but an infographic on Samsung’s official blog does shed some light on the smartphone sales in 2012. According to it, Samsung shipped a whopping 213 million smartphones in the previous year, which as you can see, is 13 million more than the population of Brazil. Samsung’s […]