Samsung has released the bada 2.0 update for SKT Wave II (SHW-M210S) users in South Korea. The updated OS will bring some new features as well as update the existing ones. For instance, there is a change in the menu structure, support for folders and live panels have been added, Social Hub is updated […]
Wave II (SHW-M210S): South Korea’s first bada phone
Samsung has taken some time but they’ve finally launched the first ever bada phone for its domestic market. The Wave II (SHW-M210S) has been launched for the South Korean market and will be available via SKT. The phone will come in variety of colors – Ebony Elegance Grey, Pink and Platinum Silver and features […]
More pictures of Samsung Wave II (SHW-M210S) for Korea
Samsung’s first bada phone may not be launched this month as expected but the launch is looking closer than ever. The Wave II’s (SHW-M210S) official pictures have surfaced that suggests Samsung will try to woo South Korean consumers with three different colors – Ebony Grey, Silver and Pink. Hardware specs however, remain similar to […]
Samsung to launch Wave II in South Korea this month
Samsung’s Wave II (SHW-M210S) which we spied a couple of months back will be launched in South Korea by this month. According to Chosun, who have apparently got a confirmation says Samsung will launch the device by end of this month. For starters, Wave II is Samsung’s latest installment running the latest bada 1.2 […]
Samsung SHW-M210S is Wave II for South Korea
Samsung was supposed to release Wave (SHW-M120S) but was apparently delayed (or canceled) due to the shortage of Super AMOLED. However, we’ve received a new image that confirms the arrival of bada OS in South Korea. South Korea won’t get the original Wave but its improved version – the Wave II (SHW-M210S). The phone […]