If calling and texting is all you need, Sprint is offering a very low-end Samsung M240 to fulfill your wishes. The clamshell device won’t give you a music player, Bluetooth or a camera but for a cheap $19.99 asking price it does give you a good 6.5 hours of talk time, 500 contacts storage, […]
Instinct HD for Sprint appears on Best Buy
Last week, Best Buy spilled some info on Sprint’s upcoming phone in the Instinct line. The phone which we believed to know as M850/Dash/Instinct S50 will actually be called the Instinct HD. Though we’re not sure if the phone will be able to record hi-def video just like its another HD sibling but it […]
Samsung SPH-M850 live picture
After being blessed by the FCC recently, a live picture of Samsung’s SPH-M850 has been uncovered. The phone which will presumably be known as the Dash or Instinct S50, will be the new model in the Instinct series to arrive on Sprint. Compared to the previous S30 model, the newer one looks a bit […]
Sprint to offer Samsung AMOLED phone
Hot on the heels of the Reclaim launch yesterday, Sprint executive confirmed they are planning to launch a Samsung AMOLED phone. Though he did not reveal what other features the phone’s going to carry but did specify it will be from the high-end range and will be launched in Q4 2009. And since Samsung […]
Samsung Reclaim comes to Sprint for $50
Samsung and Sprint have announced Reclaim that aims to ‘reclaim’ our environment by using eco-friendly materials. The phone oozes greenness with its 40 percent use of bio-plastic made from corn and is free from materials like PVC and BFR. The packaging has also been given the green treatment with 70 percent of recycled materials, […]