Here’s some good news for Galaxy S users. It seems Samsung is rolling out the Android 2.2 update for Galaxy S (I9000). Few users are reporting that the JP6 update with JPM modem is now available via Kies, Samsung’s PC software. Not many are reporting success (except few Norwegians) but hopefully, it will be extended to other regions as well.
UPDATE: Currently, the update seems to be available in the Nordic region only.
UPDATE 2: Samsung has officially acknowledged the update. Nordic region is the first to get and will be followed by other European markets, Southeast Asia, Middle East Asia, North America, Africa and rest of the world.
[Thanks, Brett!]
The Czech Republic is still unavailable
It’s available in Germany for my unbranded phone!
NOT available in the Netherlands yet.
Not available in India as yet 🙁
NOT available in Germany (no branding).
Bei mir geht nichts.
not available in india
kies zeigt nichts.
also weiter warten und tee trinken^^.
Not available in Slovakia (no branding).
Let’s keep on waiting.
Not available in Germany.
I live in the US and got an update this morning.
it wasn’t 2.2. What was it?
It will take some time to reach other regions. Expect Samsung to cover all regions by second week of Nov.
@Chad: What Galaxy S variant are you using and what was the update version?
Germany still not available (no branding)
Neither in Belguim…. Walting until Monday and then…
not available in italy
not availiable in Russia
Not available in Hungary 🙁
wen is it cmin to india …..
India will not get the update before Europe. Expect the India-update by end of next week
I have the update now via kies..I just change the reg for kies,and then i was able to update to froyo 2.2…so no waiting for slowly samsung.
Here is how i did it.
First uninstall all lagfixes
Start up kies and connect your phone. Wait till kies recognizes the sgs.
Go to firmware upgrade.
If it doesn’t report a JPM/JP6 upgrade close the upgrade window but do not close kies!
Go to windows start > run > and type “regedit”
Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Samsung/Kies/DeviceDB/
You will probably see a bunch of numbered keys (they look like folders) Find the key/folder that has strings that match your current firmware. So if you are on JPK look for that in the keys. If you have more than one galaxy S (it can happen) then match the imei with the phone you want to upgrade.
Change the following values so they look like this:
Now go back to kies and click on firmware upgrade again. You should now see the JPM upgrade.
Other info:
First boot can take a while so let it sit for a couple minutes while you stare at that glowing S
Doing this will not change your product code.
3 button recovery mode still works.
This won’t wipe your phone’s apps, settings, messages or SD card. (at least not for me coming from jpk)
It doesn’t matter what firmware you are on we are just using the JF3 value to fool kies.
You will lose root if you were rooted.
If kies crashed while extracting the firmware then try an older version of kies.
If your phone really hangs for more than 5 minutes at first boot then something probably went wrong. In that case start up in 3 button recovery mode and do a factory reset. Dont blame the registry hack, its kies that’s the problem. As always flash at your own risk
regards stef
ow BTW you can copy/paste the reg value 🙂
Is it possible to update using the source code. …..Is it legal or illegal. …
I have a US Sprint Epic 4g and would like to know if the update is available by changing the region like in the post above, I am currently rooted with clockwork recovery and running Andromeda rom with mix up kernel but can return to stock if need be
also will this work for a stock vibrant?
yes it’s legal,and yes a stock vibrant can be updated.
All you do with this is fulling around kies.
The hack works for Galaxy.
However, found the phone running a bit slower than usual….
Any experiences of this kind yet?
no..its way faster then before,but i did an factory reset right after i flash it.(everybody should do that,for dirty fragments in your system)
regards stef
Yes. Rebooting solves the problem.
Sorry..I mean’t factory resetting.
i know what you ment..lol
Tried the steps and Kies says that the latest firmware available is
I believe they are 2.1 firmwares…
I did the reg change and it offered me a different version to the screenshot above… currently updating and hope it works.
Ran the update and now phone boots ok but is Firmware version: 2.1-update1
Kernel Version 2.6.29 root@SE-S603 #2
Build Number: Eclair.XWJM2
looks like i might have to wait for the official
I got the same thing as JLEUK, only JM2 was available for upgrade.
Based in Netherlands on Nodafone NL network
Now Ive re-booted and done factory reset, phone boots to OS but then displays error that wont go away….
The application TwLauncher (process com.sec.android.app.twlauncher) has stopped unexpectedly. Please try again”
When i eventually past the error and plug back into KIES Firmware upgrade says “Model GT-I9000
Current Version: PDA:JM2 / Phone:JM1
This devices version cannot be updated
Looks like my handset is screwed :(((
this is again andriod 2.1 Eclair, no new updates 🙁
I did change these three registry keys
Apologies… I tried again, it worked, but i got these “PDA:JM2/Phone:JM1” 🙁
@ JLEUK try the three button recovery it should work..well it worked for a lot of people and i did not hear about any problem.
just make also sure you uninstall any lagfix
regards stef
tried 3 button recover which failed. its because the update above didnt have all the vodaphone apps and skin etc i think. did a bit of searching which led me here: http://ip208-100-42-21.static.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=765032
it was a bit complicated but i managed to restore my phone which now works fine.
Kies now reports:
Model Name: GT-I9000
Current version: PDA:JM6 / Phone:JM3 / CSC:JM1
This device’s version cannot be updated. Im not sure whether that means device will NEVER be updated, or that there just isnt an update yet. Cant tell as the English in Kies is terrible.
Can´t find info regarding three button recovery…
Witch buttons is it your suppose to use ???
Turn Galaxy S off.
Hold and keep “volume up” + “home” buttons.
Then press “power” button and only release the “power” button after the galaxy logo appears *while* still pressing the other 2 buttons.
If you have an intact secondary boot loader (SBL), a menu will appear
(get back if you don’t get to the menu).
Navigate options via volume up/down buttons and select one with the home button.
so now you have froyo 2.2 as it says jm6?
@ shrtee go to the url JLEUK mentioned.
What’s the difference between the galaxy India and galaxy nordic region.
This Cant be Froyo 2.2 as in the “about phone” section under build number it says “ECLAIR.XFJM6”
Still 2.1 …. I have recovered my phone though and its now working so i dont think i will mess with it again until the official one is released.
any one with official update in Hungary???Please holla!!! Thanks.
There must be a better way to check Froyo rollout@country
than the Kies drill, no?
I mean, I have to unmount my external SD card in order to get a decent reaction from Kies recognizing my SGS, have to click FW upgrade, click away backup and wait and eventually it says: NO update :-O
The ‘official’ way afterwards to get my external SD back is a reboot…
Isn’t there a “Sumsing 3000 Turbo ;-)” or something URL which at least shows when it has arrived@country whilst there’s no schedule available.
We INDIAN’S are waiting for Android 2.2 update. Please confirm the date?
This is currently not working, Samsung have pulled the firmware from servers currently – just posting this as if you follow the reg hack above, it will still offer you a firmware to download, which is an old one, and you might end up in more trouble than you bargained for… so don’t bother
I live in Sweden (Nordic country) and friends to me have their Samsung galaxy s i9000 updated, but me. I have downloaded the Android 2.2 software and (what it seems) installed it (via Samsung kies). Nothing is happening though…
And of course….NOT availabe here in the THIRD WORLD country
USA! We’re so F&c**** far behind rest of the world when it comes to cellphone technology.
USA will be the LAST country to get Froyo…just watch!!!
Updated my Galaxy S with the Nordic 2.2 public release through Kies a couple of days ago. (I had to set the APN settings manually.)
Samsung fixed a lot of issues, I can tell, but the reason why I put it away and returned to my Desire, was the lag in the e-mail client (Exchange), and that hasn’t been fixed:
Selecting 15 mails and then the delete button, leaves your Galaxy S unresponsive for the next 5 minutes 🙁
That’s not good enough for a high-end business phone! I still believe my Desire performs better when it comes to starting applications, and obviously the e-mail client is way better on the Desire.
@Ulrik: even k9mail app doesn’t do for you?
hey.. i hav jus got samsung galaxy 3.. i hav installed samsung kies but it doesnt detect my mobile.. can anyone throw some light..
I got this from another forum and it worked for me
The solution, I finally discovered was to do with the UMDF (User Mode Driver Framework) service. It comes with WMP11, and installs during the setup.
Looking at the UDMF installation logs (c:\windows\Wudf01000Inst.log) – I found that there were errors during installation – I figured that re-installing UMDF might fix the problem. (and it did!) Unfortunatly, as it is not in add/remove programs, I ran into problems trying to remove it. If you un-install WMP11, it does not remove the UMDF dll’s. If the dll’s exist, then the UMDF installer will skip during the re-install of WMP11.
I managed to manually re-install UMDF using the method below.
To find the installer files for UMDF, you need to get them out of the WMP11 Installer.
How to find the installer for UMDF
1) Run the WMP11 Setup file “wmp11-windowsxp-x86-enu”
(It will extract the installer files into your %TEMP% folder)
2) Click Start -> Run -> %temp%
3) Press F3 and search for “umdf.exe”
4) Copy this file to your Desktop
5) Cancel the WMP11 Setup.
Now, you need to fool windows into thinking that UMDF is not installed on your computer, by renaming some files. Copy & Paste the following into a Command Prompt.
rename C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\wudfrd.sys den_wudfrd.sys
rename C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\wudfpf.sys den_wudfpf.sys
rename C:\WINDOWS\system32\wudfhost.exe den_wudfhost.exe
rename C:\WINDOWS\system32\wudfsvc.dll den_wudfsvc.dll
rename C:\WINDOWS\system32\wudfx.dll den_wudfx.dll
rename C:\WINDOWS\system32\wudfplatform.dll den_wudfplatform.dll
rename C:\WINDOWS\system32\wudfcoinstaller.dll den_wudfcoinstaller.dll
Now run the umdf.exe and re-install.
Im having the exact same problem as you. What did you do to fix it?
What the hell is samsung developer team is doing. You guys should learn from Microsoft team. They release BUG applications but withing few hours they rectify the bug and realse the update patch.
Pl guys been waiting for 2.2 for ages now. Do not force me to give up on Samsung.
Anyone allready have the update in Belgium?
No I’m also checking daily my Kies firmware updater.
… lets keeo intouch
Wen is it releasing in india……pls inform me…..
When is it releasing in Brazil???
Update summary:
I updated my SGS to Froyo via the recommended Kies way on Sunday which _seemed_ to just work flawlessly. All my installed apps and the userdata was present. Access to the cloud was just fine. So far so good…
Shortly after the update I noticed regular long term hangs. Something like the SGS not responding for minutes or the screen not unlockable.
Factory reset looming… 🙁
Searching the Web didn’t unveil anything helpful so I decided to do the factory erase which was recommended in a lot of places with such a major update.
FWIW: with WebOS I didn’t have such trouble on updates whatsoever but enough other trouble to decide to get an Android phone.
After the factory reset (with the flash reformats and data loss) the real trouble begun when I reconnected to the cloud. Only some of my calendars got listed and only roughly the last month of non-repeated calendar entries got synchronized to the SGS. I had to erase the calender app data, the calendar data and calendar sync data a couple of times before I saw all calendars again (found tha hint on the Web). That erasure trick didn’t work reliably either. Sometimes it worked, sometimes it didn’t. Seems like when the list of calendars get’s retieved partialy durng the initial account setup on the SGS, it stays partial and never gets dynamically updated.
I haven’t found a workaround to neither of these flaws (ie. not all calendars discovered reliably and partial calendar sync). Trying to set the date to the earliest posible to get more calendar entries synced is one pending option but you can’t set it to earlier than 1/1/2000, so all my pre 1/1/2000 entries ain’t synced to the device either.
Doing Web searches you’ll see that the flaws are well known but don’t have decent priority for Google to fix it seems.
Additionaly MyBackup Pro failed on me by not restoring Application data properly for an App+Data backup. Ie. the App got restored, the data not.
A disastrous update for me…
the enormous hangs are gone, which was the whole point of this in the end painful exercise.
Not available in India yet… Guys, any idea when is this update available for India….anyone?? I tried 2.2 (asia update) using odin, the phone has tremondous change in terms of speed. Only thing that made me revert to 2.1 is the Wifi Keeps disconnecting very frequently.
Waiting for The update Arghz…
Nope i heard people who used that are gettin slow speed nd no market app thing nd problems.So imma w8 for the official thing,i needed flash desperatley which i got to work in 2.1 ,megavideo works fine.So Official Update come FAst !!!!!
I have a galaxy s and updated today in the uk,Thought it would be 2.2 but was in fact 2.1update 1.
Samsung seem very reluctant to keep us in the loop(as customers of a quite expensive gadget-Big boys toy)as to when they will fix some of the software issues we all are experiencing.
Come on, Get your act together
Not yet in india as per the writing time
wtf. I switched from an iphone to the galaxy s, honestly I think the galaxy and android is a joke, why the hell would I want anything like it ? there is no update, not one single application on the phone works flawless, the fone hangs, I need to shut down services all the time, some days it does not download emails, flash canot be displayed ????? I switch back to the iphone…
mic iphone is a beauty,i comp[ared it wiv my frnd but my galaxy looks big ;;;;but not quality or feature wise.an note apple gets frequent updates.wtf sam is doing wiv froyo.jus waiting.but even ill buy iphone 4 latter.android is risk in many forms.
ah yes I agree and btw no update in austria… isnt this exactly what android is about ? freedom ? this is a joke, we are waiting like idiots on an update that is necessary to even operate the basic functions of the galaxy. which I consider meanwhile totaly useless…
True mic.i calld the cutomer care an those ppl don’t know wat froyo is?.being ethical hacker I felt foolish to wait I updated 2.2 using odin.very simple.an u can fix the lag prblm wiv lag fix.sam is not interested in galaxy cause tab is out and its going to relese 2
3 ginger wiv 4.5 inch screen and I think 1.5ghz procesor.
Today got the Update in India.. Updated my Galaxy S and froyo is there is good Phone is fast and working fine..
hey mic 2.2 is on kies so did u update.i jus downgraded frm 2.2 to 2.1 and then got official 2.2 updated.yes it works well,but guys the lag is not fixed.good exp eyes can easily c tht.but anywaz cheerz.
updater is availble on kies now in india also… just upgraded yesterday…i do not feel the phone is any faster…infact now i am experiencing a lot of call drops and blank outs in the middle of the call…
my home screens are blanked out but all applications are still there…
My GPRS settings have also vanished and now I am not able to access mail…gmail… anyone have any idea how to make the APN settings manually for vodaphone india…
btw how do you
I have given up… this phone
-hangs up in the middle of calls
-is extremely slow
-stops working completely from time to time
-only occasionaly retrieves email
-mixes up emails, subjects and bodies
-email reading is very slow
-no facebook option for news insted of all updates
-crashes at updates
-I cannot find a way to set the cursor between 2 letters
-copy and paste is missing
-the camera is so slow it makes almost no sense to use it
-the camera stops working when the battery is only 40% full
-the battery only lasts for 8 hours.. its a joke
-often the display does not work so I cannot pick up a call
-flah is rarely working, and if its so slow ist a mess
-when the browser opens a new window he asks me with which browser
-never connects to the wlan automatically
-hardly ever uses 3g, also if I know its available
-the best games apps I know from iphone are not available
-most apps have terrible design and usability
-I need to use the task killer frequently to make it run
and and and
I see no point why one would use this after using an iphone.. I switched back to the iphone.. maybe in some years I check back
hi mic and frnds.yup i agree my phone was speedy on 2.1 the 2.2 is slightly speedy but not as the sam said.i thought the official realese will knock the faults.naah…..my signals drop for no reason facing blank screen prblm,battry juice is damm less,f***k flash is slow i can take a gud nite sleep to see it happi wiv tht lol wat a joke.lag is still ther,phone hanged 4,5 times afta update,still gussin y????android market jus stops telling force close.i dint face all this in eclair.otha things same as mic is facing.
and yes rj put manual apn of the carrier u use.i added apn cause the apn section was blank,so the phone dosnt kno ur settings.
but sam will defo clear this wiv an otha update cause nearly 3.5 to 4 milloin ppl r on galaxy. an mic my advice frnkly the sam is beauty but if can take a iphone ,there is no better otha phone than tht.its apps,looks etc etc r jus awesome.cho guys.
it sucks… maybe it was a wrong choice buying this phone…
my gprs is still not working…
i have had 2 restart the phone 3 times today…
hi rj send a request for gprs settings to vodaph.save the settings and on phone goto settings-wireless and network–mobile network—–click open select use packet data–goto to access point names,,,,and if the screen is blank –then add new apn and a new option pops up there u feed the name, apn , port then save it and go back select the new apn by clicking it (shows a green on )then restart not reset or format …..hope this will help.keep posting cheerz…..
thanks rocky…it is unfortunate that vodaphone is unable to give me exact settings… they sent an sms asking me to save the settings which i have done as is the process… but gprs is still not working and they have no further information to share…
I tried an aircel connection and gprs is working fine with that so the issue is not the phone but the operator as far as the gprs is concerned…
i am unhappy with the phone since it is too slow…my nokia E90 (my last phone) was faster… my wife uses iphone which is also faster… i tried the nokia n8 from a friend and i think i made the wrong choice while buying the SGS…
a simple thing like adding a contact … when you press the next button after entering the name… it takes 4-5 seconds before the cursor reaches last name…
the phone hangs if i am on a call and i try to look up the contact list (to pass on a phone no to someone for example)
hi rj, yes its the operator settings…i use aircel and its good for me,using pocket internet 97 is nice and does the job.and yes iam a nokia fan but nokia is jus not keeping up the competition.it has to improv alot to keep up wiv andriod and iphone.an yes iphone as i said b4 its a beauty,no matter wat ppl say my frnd has iphone 3gs,iphone 4.and m8 it really looks solid when u hold it.i like the big screen of sam galaxy so using it,i got motorola tablet and its good too,i factory formated my galaxy and now its a bit better.its alot competition going as u kno 2.3 gingerbread is out wiv alot of extra fetures.and rumors of motorola releasing terminator aka t2 sppsd to ave 2ghz procesor,wiv extra punch of ram and extra support for gaming,now eemagine 1.5 or 2ghz pro mannnn thts somethin crazyyy the phone will rock if its getting retina or somled display..cheerz
Well i still dont know y my SGS is still showing 304MB RAM isnt it supposed to show 512 RAM.. Well it gets stuck Sometime and takes longtime to get back proper i hope to move to IPHONE ASAP..
HI frnds alot is going on about sam and iphone,i don’t think its a good idea to buy any new gizmo now.2.3, is out and honeycomb will b out soon.a new rom muiu for android is out and its a combi of iphone os and android,its fast and too sexy.android can b tweekd the way u want .an iphone will defo realese new os too,but not a new model ,,thts wat I think.my galaxy was slow too,but exporemt wiv it alot,i hav flashd it 9times now,rooted and yup u ave toolsto make it run fast.even ill buy iphone but not the present model.jus google and ull find many sites on hou to solve issues.cheerz..;)
2.3 OS update is out… Still no 2.2 in Au. Kies which has updated over 1gig since it was suppose to be out, has stop’ed working… Guessing it needs 2.2 to talk now?!
some one knows when the Mexico version will be ready?
I try to update via the kies and it doesn’t display any update?
Also some can answer to me how is the three button reset?
hi,i think u must select ur language while instalin kies…..an ricardo press the volume up , home , and power button at the sametime —-wen u see the sam logo realese the home , an power button and in few sec,,ull get in recovery mode….pressing the same keys wiv volume down takes u to download mode….u can c videos on utube or search the google it will help.and yes 2.3 is leaked but i think muiu rom willllllll bcome stock ;;;;ahh jus a thought cause its fast an iphone + android mixture rockssssss. cheeeeeerzzzzz .peace
NOT avaiable in Bulgaria
Hello. I need help. I have Galaxy S. It came with 2.1. I live in Estonia. I tried to update it with KIES but it told me “No Response from server. Please check if your internet connection is activated and try again”. I have tried many things but nothing. I found another solution from web how to install from 2.1 to 2.2 (I9000XXJP2 / After I had installing it I discovered many bugs like:
1. Screen does not act like it should. Freezes all the time.
2. Does not keep up to date/renew Call log after 30 logs.
3. Auto focus does not focus. Macro works ok.
4. Clock every day goes 2-3 minutes behind. VERY STRANGE!!!
5. Plays MP3 very low quality.
now android 2.2 can be updated in India through kites..
forget all this crapy software from samsung… install darky´s 8.0 and the phone will be fast and working very well
Hello, I downloaded Kies 2.0 and I did not find Upgrade button at all. How can I upgrade now?
HI mic an frnds yeah alot of custom roms out.for iphone an android fans go for muiu rom,very nice and speedy.the darkys rom is speedy wiv ginger feel nice but eats battery but highly boosted.for everyday normal use go for jims rom,speedy an colurfull.the cyanogen mod is good but got issues.well galaxy s is damm hard to brick.i thought its delicate but my phone droppd on ground many times,and lucky not a scratch.flashd it more than 20 times got all custom rom on sd.but now on official 2.2. Will upgrade to 2.2.1 which I think is real froyo.
if u don’t know how to do flashing an all rooting stuff,better not risk.cause product code changes in kies and it wont update.learn rooting,lag fixing,rom flashing.then expiriment ur device.beware flashing is addictive.every werk u get a new rom an ull flashin it.cheerz.
Guys, anyone can tell me, is it available in Poland ? :]
kies says cannot load my contact list…
how do i backup my contact list?
i could not find any other app which can do this!!
is the 2.3 out in india yet?
my kies says i have the latest ie. 2,2
rj m8 no the 2.3 is not officialy out in india.man i don even kno if 2.2.1 is out officially,ive the leaked rom and seen its much more better than 2.2…..and i think 2.3 update will b late and tht will b the last upppppppdate we will get.but on the shinning side ive got all custom roms downloaded so i flash the way i like.and trully these roms r killer fast,but drains battry a lil fast but its fine cause it gives u more options and the ability to tweak the way u want.blaaah blaaah…….well m8 the word is u got options,sam made froyo so late tht i don wait anymore.and if they release we can use tht……cheerz soz for long msg……
it works in saudia thrgouh kie, work good
well if u really want 2.2.1 then get reg patcher 1.7 and change code to xeu and ur kies shows new firmware 2.2.1 so thts the official upgrade.u can revert back when ur country gets the update.i don kno if india got 2.2.1 on kies if it comes officialy plz let me kno cause iam on uk 2.2.1 froyo update.cheeeerzzzz
I updated my Samsung Galaxy S Vibrant to the 2.2; however, it has added more pages (7?). I have tried to delete as per my other os; however, it will not allow me to do so??? Any ideas?
Hi is the Kies 2.2 os avaliable for Samsung galaxy S GT-19000?
Current version PDA:JG4 / PHONE: JG3, when I went into the firmware upgrade in Kies, I got a message that said “This devices version cannot be updated.
my samsung galaxy shang alot after updating 2.2 plzzzzz plzzz frends help me out i m depresed solve my pblm as soon as earlier
hi nickola yeah the update is out long time.even 2.2.1 is out.i dont kno ur region but the msg u got is , think ur product code is changed.so revert to ur old stock version and then connect an ull get the update msg.if u had done a reg hack b4 then revert back by selecting ur code.this will help.cheeeeeerzzz
hi pam jus select edit or pinch an long press the page till a bin appears at the bottom ,,,then jus drag an put it in bin…press back thts all.cheeeeeerzz
plzzzz tell i m wait for ans my galaxy s hang to much what i do for solve the prblm
hi akash its always good to do a clean wipe b4 any flashing but if ur on stock rom and facing some issues ,,,do a factory reset.and this a c’mon problm many face…i kno some apps tht are crap ,,it makes phone slow an givs problm so read the comments and always install one at a time and check if the app an phone work properly.cheeeeeerzz
I updated to froyo I’m wondering if I can go back to eclair and how?
Galaxy S
sam download the stock firmware from samfirmware,or any site u get and falsh it odin.thts the easiest and quicest way..
->Rocky: I have seem to have the same problem as Nickola. The 2.2. update should be out for my Galaxy in Germany since a long time, but the Kies software doesnt find any firmware update. You tell her to revert to her stock version – do you mean on the telephone or stock version of Kies? To my knowledge I havent done any updates on the phone, but of Kies I have. Would happy for any help, since 2.1. sucks.
hey johan….if u ave flashed ur phone with any custom roms then ther is chance u ave changed the product code of ur phone,if kies has got 2.2 update and ur getting a msg tht,,device version not supported.or may b some otha freeki msg.one thing all frnds galaxy is not tht easy to brick.don panic jus follow the steps in order.by revert i mean going back to ur official rom if u did some flashing.and ther r reg patch methoods to get 2.2.1 too.its easy..as i said jus b step to step…i nearly 30 times i think flashed my phone…..god blessss….
1-download odin tool(for flashing)
2-pit files(usually pit 512 tht is wat i recomend)
3-download stock 2.1 rom of ur country
4-uninstall,,,,and reinstall fresh copy of kies
5-use odin to flash the stock rom and see tht ur device works properly.
5-then connect to kies and ull surely get the update.
important—always make sure tht ur phone has got recovery mode and download mode working fine.plz see utube tutorial for tht.as i cant explain all in detail.so if u face prblms like bricking,hang logo,flashing not passed,want to flash custom roms,plz b free to mail me. [email protected] ill b happy to help…cheeerzz
Hi guys,
I m frm India(Mumbai).. i bought a samsung galaxy 3 in nov-10. i was just curious whether froyo update is available for my phone from either kies or can i get it done from any samsung service center/.// BTW my phone just worked fine till now. no issues… But wanna get it updated to froyo… CHEERS :)…any replies are most welcome on [email protected]