UPDATE: According to a commenter, wireless update option has been added.
Samsung has apparently rolled out the Android 2.2.1 update for Galaxy S (I9000) users. There’s no confirmation about the number of regions getting the update but users in Sweden have started to receive it through Kies.
The update does not bring major improvements but few users who have updated to the latest version claim to experience significant speed increase.
Have you received the update? How does it perform? Let us know in the comments.
I got 2.2.1 via Kies earlier today. I don’t know about the performance increases, but it seems slightly more responsive overall. I’m sure more advanced users can report more details regarding that. There’s also a new option under “About phone”: software updates (via wireless).
-Norwegian I9000 user.
Hello, can you tell me please for with country is available Froyo 2.2.1 ? Official. Thanks you a lot.
Best Regards
Hello, I’m having a problem when updating my Galaxy S to Froyo 2.2.1 via Kies. Downloading file for firmware upgrade just doesn’t progress beyond 2%. Worse, a Notice dialog will appear saying that “The operation has timed out.”
Is it just me? Any help, anyone?
Any ETA when it will be available in Czech?
Official in Czech Republic is just official 2.2 Froyo from 21.01.2011 for all Operators 2.2.1 Froyo is available already but nonofficial at http://www.samfirmware.com/WEBPROTECT-i9000.htm or wait for official version that gone be like and of the February for CZ/SK country`s.
Thanks Flavius! I will wait for official version. Hope for February.
Is the android 2.2.1 update available for galaxy s Indian users? Also, can anyone from india confirm if they can see about phone–>software updates??
is it out for australian users
No 2.2.1 available here in New Zealand (still!!).
Android 2.2.1 is not available in India yet for Galaxy S. I checked it yesterday and I couldn’t get any upgrade firmware option. It says that I am on the latest firmware. It did give me an upgrade option for my KIES installation though!!!! KIES looks good now after the update:).
Android 2.2.1 update for galaxy s, is not available in India yet (as of 18- feb- 2011); waiting for this to get rid of lagging
cant wait for the 2.2.1 to have this lag fixed !
Common samsung, what is stopping you from releasing it for INDIA.
When 2.2.1 will be available in Romania?
Pentru Romania poti sa il faci neoficial de pe siteul:
Official inca nu sunt informatii dar din cate am auzit va fi cam pe la sfarsitul Martie
Still no official information on release date of 2.2.1 in Czech Republic?
Cmon samsung its march now still no update man i am eagerly waiting for the update and to get rid of these lags of froyo and these very poor io scores in performance checks.
Non Official already android 2.3.2 Gingerbread installed on my Galaxy S and working very well 🙂
Hong Kong based device. Had update available in Feb.-2011 . There was also a minor update available in Mar-2011 in form of PDA:jpg to jpj (Froyo.ZSJPJ)
When 2.2.1 will be available in Czech Republic?
why does it say the operation has timed out