UPDATE: One of our readers mailed to let us know Sweden has also got the Froyo update for Galaxy 3. Thanks, Roger!
Spaniards using Galaxy 3 can now download the impending Froyo update for the phone. The update is available via Kies for SIM-free Galaxy 3 devices and brings in features like hotspot functionality, install apps on SD cards, improved performance etc.
You can download Kies 2 directly from the link below.
Awesome! I’ve been waiting for this for about 6 months! And to think that I came across this link casually
wen will it release in india?
has there been any videos or other posts on this? looks like it might not be true
This is true. But it’s only available for the unlocked samsung galaxy 3 smartphones.
When will this be available in England (UK)?
I have the unlocked debranded version
I really dont understand whats taking samsung so long to release a froyo update? esepcially when they have so many newer models out with similar specs. And when they’ve started rolling it out in a few places, it shouldnt be more than a week.
I’m also waiting for this to come to the UK. Should be here in the next month or two I think.
I just got 2.2 for my galaxy 3 in Austria. woooooooo hooooooo
Is your phone unlocked, Martin?
what’s the meanning of unlocked??????What kind of the phone is unlocked???????who can tell me
Phone that works with any network operator.
yep, its unlocked, not from my mobile company.
Samsung’s reply when i mailed them yesterday about froyo update for uk on galaxy 3… i mean how much more arbid can they get. And isn’t this already known???
Thank you for contacting Samsung and I have pleasure in providing the
following assistance.
We’ve seen lots of discussion about possible Android updates for our Galaxy smartphones/tablet & wanted
to let you all know our position. If a new(When a new) Android OS is released, we’ll review the possibility of
applying it to our products. The decision to update is based on various factors, inc. system requirements,
structural limitations & cooperation from suppliers/software licensors.
If you require any further assistance, please contact Samsung again and
we will be more than happy to help.
I’m Chinese. my samsung Galaxy s is european’s,if
I can update this 2.2?????or where can i downloads the rom.???
whn v gt 2.2 for galaxy in india? or can i download swedn spain update in india?