Samsung has launched the YP-R0 PMP in South Korea. The YP-R0 is similar to YP-R1 but integrates a set of physical buttons instead of the only touchscreen interface found on the R1. It comes in capacities of 4 or 8GB options and also integrates a microSD card slot to increase the total storage by […]
Samsung announces YP-U5 Hello Kitty Edition
Hello Kitty lovers have got yet another gadget from the Korean company. It’s the Popcorn YP-U5 DAP that’s been given the Kitty treatment with the kitty, flowers and subtle use of pink on the player’s face. Apart from that, the player features the same internal specs like 1-inch OLED screen, 2 or 4GB of […]
Samsung YP-M1 now available in Korea
Samsung’s power packed YP-M1 PMP is now selling in South Korea. Coming in capacities of 8/16/32GB, the PMP boasts Nvidia Tegra that allows high-definition video output, a 3.3-inch AMOLED touchscreen display with TouchWiz UI and haptic, DNSe 3.0, Bluetooth, T-DMB, FM Radio, English/Chinese dictionary and expandable memory up to 16GB. The M1 will come […]
YP-P3 Memories Special Edition unveiled in South Korea
Still vouch that ’70-80s music was the best? Well, if you happen to live in South Korea and agree to the aforementioned question, Samsung has got something for you to relive those moments. Sammy along with Mnet have launched YP-P3 Memories Special Edition that bundles 500 songs from that era spanning across variety of […]
Samsung YP-R1 firmware updated to v1.11
A quick note to all YP-R1 users in South Korea – Samsung has released a v1.11 software update for the PMP. The firmware update is about 60MB and claims to improve system reliability. Head over to the link below to download it. Download