Samsung Electronics recently introduced the new Series 7 All-in-one PC. Measuring at just 16mm and featuring a display that tilts 90 degrees and a 23-inch touch screen HD LED display, the PC is powered by the latest Intel Core i5/i3 processor. Series 7 features Wi-Fi capability, touch screen, built-in webcam, wireless keyboard and a wireless […]
Samsung intros 64GB NAND memory for mobile devices
Samsung has announced a 64GB embedded memory (eMMC) meant for smartphones and tablets. The new 64GB eMMC touts industry’s highest performance that uses 20nm-based 64Gb NAND with Toggle DDR 2.0 interface and is really thin to make it suitable for slim mobile devices. The eMMC can store up to 16,000 MP3 files and has […]
Samsung develops 16MP and HD-supporting 1.2MP CMOS Image Sensor
Samsung put on a good show at the Samsung Mobile Solutions Forum in Taiwan. In addition to unveiling the new Exynos processor, Samsung also showed a 1/2.3-inch 16 megapixel CMOS image sensor (S5K2P1) for smartphones, digital cameras and camcorders and 1/8.2-inch 1.2MP sensor (S5K8AA). The S5K2P1 uses Samsung’s 1.34um Backside Illumination pixel technology that […]
Samsung develops 32nm 1.5Ghz dual-core Exynos 4212 SoC
Samsung has confirmed that they’ve developed a new Exynos System-on-Chip (SoC) using the 32nm High-K Metal Gate (HKMG) low-power process. The Exynos 4212 is a dual-core ARM Cortex-A9 that is clocked at a speed of 1.5GHz. The new chip that will be used in smartphones and tablets is 30 percent more power efficient, thanks […]
Samsung starts operation of its 16th Production Line, mass production of 20nm memory
In an industry where memory chip manufacturers are cutting down on production and expansion due to the reduction in demand, Samsung is doing quite the opposite. Samsung has announced to start operations of its 16th production line, which is touted to be the world’s largest memory chip production line. Samsung had started construction of […]