Samsung has expanded its highest selling J-series in India with two new additions. First is the Galaxy J Max that looks like any other Samsung device but packs a decent software and hardware combo in its metal unibody. Running Android 7 Nougat, the phone features a 5.7-inch Full HD TFT display and is powered a […]
Samsung unveils the 2017 edition of J3, J5 and J7
Samsung announced the new Galaxy J (2017) series phones that includes the J3, J5 and J7. The new upgraded phones feature metal body, enhanced camera and improved features. The J7, which is the premium of the three, features a 5.5-inch full HD screen. Powered by a 1.6GHz octa-core processor and 3GB RAM the phone will […]
Samsung Galaxy S8+ with bigger storage and faster RAM launched in India
Samsung launched its flagship phones the Galaxy S8 and S8+ with much fanfare. Everyone has applauded the phone and have been termed as the best phones by Samsung till date. The original S8+ comes with 4GB RAM and 64GB storage and Samsung does not want to lose out to competition. Hence today Samsung announced the […]
New video proves Galaxy S8 iris recognition can be spoofed
Folks over at Chaos Computer Club (CCC) have published a video spoofing Samsung Galaxy S8/S8+’s iris recognition feature. Apparently, it needs a photo and a contact lens to create a “dummy-eye” for the phone’s iris scanner to believe it as a real iris and unlock the phone. The report says a picture shot with a […]
Accessorize your new Galaxy S8/S8+
If you buy a new iPhone, there are accessories galore available from the first day of release. Many of those accessories are made based on the rumors of what the iPhone will be. Even now, case makers are making iPhone 8 cases based on rumors. The Android ecosystem is not quite so lively, or insane. […]