Samsung Z2 is the first 4G Tizen smartphone to be launched today in India. The device features Ultra Data Saving mode, S Bike mode and the new My Money Transfer. Besides this, riding on the Jio preview wave, like all other Samsung devices, the Z2 also comes with a complimentary invitation to the Jio preview […]
Galaxy S7, Galaxy S7 edge get a hefty price cut in India
If you’re still on the fence with regards to Samsung’s Galaxy S7 or the Galaxy S7 edge, now’s the chance to hop onto the Galaxy. If you live in India, both Galaxy S devices have got an official price cut and now retails for Rs. 43,400 and Rs. 50,900 respectively. With Galaxy Note7 around the […]
Officially refurbished Samsung phones could be on its way
Refurbished device market is a $17 billion market according to Deloitte and to tap the market, Samsung plans to introduce an official refurbished program where they’ll sell the flagship Galaxy models. The report from Reuters claims the announcement could come as early as next year and will help Samsung generate revenue and at the same […]
Samsung Galaxy Note7 get a teardown treatment
Folks over at iFixit have got their hands on Samsung’s Galaxy Note7 and has subjected the device to the thing they do best – a teardown. Prying open, the site found the device to be using modular components that can be replaced independently but getting into the device is not a common man’s job considering […]
Samsung announces Galaxy Note7 for India
As expected, Samsung has unveiled their latest Galaxy Note device for the Indian market. The Galaxy Note7 is priced at Rs. 59,900 and will be available on Flipkart and other offline retail stores. The Galaxy Note7 is similar to Samsung’s Galaxy S7 edge, which means it now comes with a similar edge display and IP68 […]